The current annual fee (2024/25) at JRU has been set at £2,500 plus £100 admission fee. This covers the cost of education, accommodation and meals, and is the same for UK and international students. Please note that the fee does not include the cost of text books, stationery, etc.
Upon successfully passing the application procedure, an admission fee of £100 is required from all applicants before they will be registered as students at JRU.
The balance will become payable in full on the first day of the academic year. Students have the choice of paying in the following ways:
• In full at the start of the year or
• 10 monthly instalments by Standing Order
Note: Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change as and when deemed necessary.
External Examination Fees
Additional fees will apply for external examinations taken at JRU as per the requirements of the examining body.